11 Reasons to Rent Your Equipment Instead of Purchasing this Winter

With winter steadfast approaching its key to be prepared for the change in weather that comes with. Tools like snowblowers, dumpers and other machines become important during this time, but you may find yourself without use for them outside of the frosty months ahead. When renting equipment with WE Rent you get the benefit of maximum availability but minimal headache of purchased ownership. Some of the many reasons to consider renting equipment to help your productivity over this winter season are listed below in this article to consider.

Cost-Efficiency: Snow equipment can be expensive to purchase, and it often requires significant upfront investment. Renting allows you to access the equipment you need without the burden of high purchase costs. With WE Rent, you only pay for what you need and how long you need it!

No Maintenance Costs: When you rent, you’re not responsible for ongoing maintenance, repairs, or storage. We are! This can lead to substantial cost savings, as maintaining snow equipment can be costly and time-consuming. We keep our fleet in top order with regular maintenance and high-quality equipment from JCB, Bobcat, DEVELON and others available for use.

Access to the Latest Technology: We keep our rental fleet up to date to offer you the best equipment available, this ensures you have access to the latest and most efficient technology you wouldn’t be able to enjoy without purchasing the latest machinery.

Scalability: Renting provides flexibility. Who knows what the Canadian winter may bring, you can adjust your equipment needs as the season progresses, scaling up or down as required.

Reduced Storage Space: Winter equipment can take up a lot of storage space, which might not be readily available. Renting eliminates the need for long-term storage, we have everything you need ready at our numerous branches across BC and Alberta.

Expert Maintenance: Rental equipment is typically well-maintained by professionals who ensure it’s in excellent working condition. This minimizes downtime and increases efficiency during snow removal.

Avoiding Depreciation: Purchased equipment depreciates over time, which can negatively impact your investments. When you rent, you avoid this depreciation and only pay for what you use.

Emergency Backup: Rental equipment provides a reliable backup plan in case your owned equipment breaks down unexpectedly. This minimizes downtime and ensures your snow removal operations continue without interruption. When renting with WE Rent we have all the bases covered so all you need to worry about is the work at hand!

No Resale Hassles: When you own equipment, you’re responsible for selling it when it’s no longer needed. This can be time-consuming and may not yield a good return on your investment. On the flipside, buying equipment from a second-hand platform could be risky without proper maintenance records or checks.

Environmental Considerations: Renting can be a more environmentally friendly choice. WE Rent has greener, more fuel-efficient equipment, reducing your carbon footprint across our electric line-up.

Focus on Core Activities: By renting, you can focus on your core business activities instead of managing equipment ownership and maintenance. You can trust the equipment to do its job in helping you complete yours!

Contact our team today to find out your best options and we can get the best deal we can to get you up and running on the jobsite.

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